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Sebastien Girard
Sebastien Girard
Black Book Twice + majerus wool warhol…’cold beer’ the ‘smudge tool’ and other short stories
Eduardo Kac Porneia SIGNE, Alternate Projects
Eduardo Kac
Porneia SIGNED
Eduardo Kac Space Poetry 2 patch, Alternate Projects
Eduardo Kac
Space Poetry 2 patch
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Catalog #3
Movimento de Arte Pornô Gang poster, Alternate Projects
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô Antolorgia, Arte Porn, Alternate Projects
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Antolorgia, Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô, Manifesto of the Porn Art Movement, Alternate Projects
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô
"Relatório Hota," by Ota (Otacílio D’Assunção Barros)
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô
“A Caminhada Pornô” [The Porno Walk]
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô
“Careta apresenta a primeira porno-entrevista da porno-imprensa porno-protagonizada pelos porno-poetas do movimento pornô”
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Pornô na Fuzarca
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô
“Os Poetas Que Chegam Amando, Gozando E Querendo O Bem”
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô
“Pornoguerrilha em Ipanema”
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô
“Varonil e cor de anil rimam com quê?”
Glauco Mattoso
Glauco Mattoso
Manual do Pedólatra Amador / Aventuras e Leituras de um Tarado por Pés
Glauco Mattoso, Edições Dubolso, Sabará (Minas Gerais)
Glauco Mattoso, Edições Dubolso, Sabará (Minas Gerais)
Limeiriques & Outros Debiques Glauquianos [Limeiricks & other mockeries]
Glauco Mattoso
Glauco Mattoso
Jornal Dobrabil, First edition
Glauco Mattoso
Glauco Mattoso
Línguas na Papa: uma Salada dos Mais Insípidos aos Mais Picantes
Glauco Mattoso
Glauco Mattoso
Jornal Dobrabil, 2001
Leila Míccolis and Herbert Daniel
Leila Míccolis and Herbert Daniel
Werewolves and Alligators
Leila Míccolis and Paulo Veras
Leila Míccolis and Paulo Veras
Maus Antecedentes
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Movimento de Arte Pornô
“Duas Mulheres” text by Leila Míccolis
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Contos Eróticos, n. 54
Ota (Otacílio D’Assunção Barros)
Ota (Otacílio D’Assunção Barros)
Ota (Otacílio D'Assunção Barros)
Ota (Otacílio D'Assunção Barros)
Bang! A Gang invade o Western Club
Como Vai Você, Geração 80?, Alternate Projects
Como Vai Você, Geração 80?
Eduardo Kac Time Capsule and A-Positive flyers, Alternate Projects
Eduardo Kac
Time Capsule + A-Positive flyers
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
It's Not Easy Being Green!
Eduardo Kac Electropoesia, Alternate Projects
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac Scripta Volant, Alternate Projects
Eduardo Kac
Scripta Volant
Ian Hamilton Finlay PACIFIC. Type A & B - Board Wargame for 2 Players, Alternate Projects
Ian Hamilton Finlay
PACIFIC. Type A & B - Board Wargame for 2 Players
Ian Hamilton Finlay Seasons (with Robin Gillanders), Alternate Projects
Ian Hamilton Finlay
Seasons (with Robin Gillanders)
Bea Nettles Events in the Water, Alternate Projects
Bea Nettles
Events in the Water
Joseph Beuys Holzpostkarte / Wood Postcard SIGNED, Alternate Projects
Joseph Beuys
Holzpostkarte / Wood Postcard SIGNED
James Lee Byars Untitled (Letter to Mr. And Mrs. Butler), Alternate Projects
James Lee Byars
Untitled (Letter to Mr. And Mrs. Butler)
Cincinnati Art Book Fair 2024
Cincinnati Art Book Fair 2024
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Rachel's Holidays: Snowman
Marc Swanson
Marc Swanson
Untitled (Peter Norton Family Christmas Project)
Robert Rehfeldt
Robert Rehfeldt
Artworker No. 2 / 1980
Nam June Paik Portrait of George Maciunas, Alternate Projects
Nam June Paik
Portrait of George Maciunas
Nam June Paik, The Paik/Abe “Video Synthesizer” Distortion of My [Charlotte Moorman] Face, Alternate Projects
Nam June Paik
The Paik/Abe “Video Synthesizer” Distortion of My [Charlotte Moorman] Face, Gallerie Bonino, NYC
Nam June Paik
Nam June Paik
Paik’s “TV Bed”IX Annual Avant Guard Festival of New York
Jerry Uelsmann
Jerry Uelsmann
Untitled from Museum Studies series
Jerry Uelsmann
Jerry Uelsmann
Test Print (portion of 16 x 20)
Jerry Uelsmann
Jerry Uelsmann
Test Print
Jerry Uelsmann
Jerry Uelsmann
Test Print (portion of 16 x 20")
Ray Johnson Moticos, Alternate Projects
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Moticos)
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge  Untitled (mail art to Jerry Driva), Alternate Projects
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
Untitled Mail Art to Jerry Driva
General Idea
General Idea
Shopping bag
Jerry Uelsmann
Jerry Uelsmann
Untitled (Eye in the Water)
John Armleder Painting on a Hanger Alternate Projects
John Armleder
Painting on a Hanger
Martin Creed
Martin Creed
Chicago (Work No. 1370)
Nam June Paik
Nam June Paik
Paik in his old 359 Cannal Street Studio
John Furnival
John Furnival
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp
View: The Modern Magazine
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha
Words of Wisdom
The Balloon Newpaper
The Balloon Newpaper
No. 1-12
Harmony Hammond
Harmony Hammond
Ten Years 1970-1980
Jiri Valoch
Jiri Valoch
Do it yourself II – dialogues
Sigurdur Gudmundsson
Sigurdur Gudmundsson
Channa Horwitz
Channa Horwitz
Bilge Friedlaender
Bilge Friedlaender
Words, Numbers, Lines
Grupo Texto Poético
Grupo Texto Poético
Texto Poético 4
Grupo Texto Poético
Grupo Texto Poético
Poesia, Vi a je, Poema plano, P P
The B Thing
Douglas Huebler
Douglas Huebler
Germano Celant
Germano Celant
Record As Artwork
Vija Celmins
Vija Celmins
Drawings Of The Night Sky
Pat Oleszko
Pat Oleszko
Coat of Arms
Sigmar Polke and Ernst Mitzka
Sigmar Polke and Ernst Mitzka
Die Waschung Der Lineale (The Washing of the Rulers)
Josef Albers
Josef Albers
Embossed Linear Constructions
In Another Moment
In Another Moment
Linda Montano
Linda Montano
Davi Det Hompson
Davi Det Hompson
Carl Andre
Carl Andre
Handwritten note to the artist's sister
Carl Andre
Carl Andre
Handwritten note to the artist's sister
Sol LeWitt
Sol LeWitt
Arcs from four sides on four walls
Brice Marden
Brice Marden
Recent Drawings and Etchings
Red Grooms
Red Grooms
Experimental Photography: Twelve Polish Photographers
Experimental Photography: Twelve Polish Photographers
Andrzej Partum
Andrzej Partum
Akupunktura A Manifesto of Insolent Art, 1973
Stephen Antonakos
Stephen Antonakos
Neons for the University of Massachusetts
Sol Lewitt, Tim Ayers, Lawrence Weiner & Marien Schouten
Sol Lewitt, Tim Ayers, Lawrence Weiner & Marien Schouten
Beer, Bieren coasters
Stephen Antonakos
Stephen Antonakos
Eva Lootz
Eva Lootz
combs, tongues, grates, spars
Nan Goldin and Nobuyoshi Araki
Nan Goldin and Nobuyoshi Araki
Tokyo Love: Spring Fever 1994
Dan Graham
Dan Graham
Two Correlated Rotations
Dan Graham
Dan Graham
Performance, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
Dan Graham
Dan Graham
Two Home Homes
Dan Graham
Dan Graham
TV Camera/Monitor Performance
Dan Graham
Dan Graham
Homes For America and Piece
Dan Graham
Dan Graham
Dan Graham: Video/Performance Works
Jan Dibbets
Jan Dibbets
Katalog 3/70
Jan Dibbets
Jan Dibbets
Art & Project Bulletin 15
Cary Leibowitz
Cary Leibowitz
Please, Don’t Steal My Radio, I’m Queer,
Robert Watts
Robert Watts
Yamflug / 5 Post 5 (25W070630)
Robert Watts
Robert Watts
Fluxpost 17-17 / DIY12W70640
Robert Watts
Robert Watts
3. Safepost / K.U.K. Feldpost / Jockpost, [W.C. Fields]
Robert Watts
Robert Watts
Safepost / K.U.K. Feldpost / Jockpost
Robert Watts
Robert Watts
Fluxpost 17-17 / DIY12W70640
James Riddle
James Riddle
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Heart Attack
James Riddle
James Riddle
Three Meditation Pieces
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Of Loss and Love
James Riddle
James Riddle
ESP and Instructions for ESP Event
James Riddle
James Riddle
A Psychedelic Happening · Take LSD And See
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Secret Garden of Lady J
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Typewritings: Proliferations, Growth
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Three Frogs
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Typewritings: Divided Planet, Atmosphere, Growth
May Wilson
May Wilson
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Escape #5: B in front of Birds
May Wilson
May Wilson
Untitled (Woo Hoo!!!)
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Escape #3: Birds in a Window
May Wilson
May Wilson
Ridiculous Portrait (Untitled)
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Feasts and Feats
May Wilson
May Wilson
Ridiculous Portrait (Untitled)
Dieter Roth
Dieter Roth
Bea Nettles The Nymph of the Highlands Alternate Projects
Bea Nettles
The Nymph of the Highlands
Anne Noggle
Anne Noggle
Self Portrait with Pepe
Anne Noggle
Anne Noggle
Self Image
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Mountain Dream Tarot: Arcana Press Sheet
Anne Noggle
Anne Noggle
Stonehenge Decoded
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Moonbeams and Dreams exhibition poster
Press photos, 3 by Harry Shunk, 1 exhibition catalogue.
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 1
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 2
Damien Hirst
Damien Hirst
“Beautiful Inside My Mind Forever” party invitation
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 3
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 4
Jon Baldessari
Jon Baldessari
Pure Beauty
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 5
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 6
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 7
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 8
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 9
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 10
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 11
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset (discarded, rescued, cut, divided & distributed) Box set 12
Penny Slinger
Penny Slinger
Mountain Ecstasy: The Dark Side of the Moon photograph
Penny Slinger
Penny Slinger
Exorcism House: Number Seven ‘The Boltons’ photograph
Les Krims
Les Krims
A Marxist View: Art Bark (Fur Art Park); Irving's Pens; a Chinese Entertainment: and Brooklyn: Another view.
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
SIGNED Interview Magazine, IX No. 3, March 1979
Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson
Untitled (I Invite Like A Tuxedo)
Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Triple Dildo For Lynda Benglis)
Kathleen Seltzer
Kathleen Seltzer
Social Grace: Sultry Charms
Kathleen Seltzer
Kathleen Seltzer
Social Grace: Secret Longings
Kathleen Seltzer
Kathleen Seltzer
Social Grace: Turbulent Passions Roar
Kathleen Seltzer
Kathleen Seltzer
Social Grace: Wild Without Possibilities
Kay Rosen
Kay Rosen
Untitled (Pair of Martini glasses)
Richard Prince
Richard Prince
Menthol Wars
Greg Constantine
Greg Constantine
Artist License Plate Series: Warhol
Bernar Venet
Bernar Venet
Undetermined Line
Jaroslaw Kozlowski
Jaroslaw Kozlowski
51- Announcement cards, Galeria Akumulatory 2
Melissa Shook
Melissa Shook
January 2, 1973
Melissa Shook
Melissa Shook
February 25, 1973
Alfred Julio Jensen
Alfred Julio Jensen
Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman
Untitled (Just Like Daddy/Just Like Mommy A Two-In-One Wonder Book)
Claes Oldenburg
Claes Oldenburg
28 photos of Ray Guns
George Maciunas
George Maciunas
No Smoking
Sacha Sosno
Sacha Sosno
Untitled (Obliteration Series)
Keith Haring
Keith Haring
Into 1984/Tony Shafrazi Gallery poster, SIGNED
Printed Matter's NY Art Book Fair
Printed Matter's NY Art Book Fair
Greenwich Village Virtual Antiquarian Book and Ephemera Fair Feb 24, 25
Greenwich Village Virtual Antiquarian Book and Ephemera Fair Feb 24, 25
Ha Schult
Ha Schult
Archive of publications and ephemera
Pieter Engels
Pieter Engels
Project ‘Owlglass’, 1975-1977
Gilbert and George
Gilbert and George
Death Hope Life Fear 1984
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
The reason why I am here is the reason why I am here
Steve Reich
Steve Reich
 promotional material
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Sunset Test
Finger Box flyer
FanDADAngos No. 6
FanDADAngos No. 6
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
A 3/4: Two Seconds of Green
General Idea
General Idea
FILE Magazine, Vol. 6, Nos. 1 & 2 and the 1968-1984 FILE Retrospective Issue
Jan Dibbets
Jan Dibbets
Roodborst territorium/Scupltuur 1969. Robin Redbreast's Territory/Sculpture 1969. Domaine d'un rouge-gorge/Sculpture 1969. Rotkehlchenterritorium/Skulptur 1969
Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger
“I Shop Therefore I Am” tote
Information Technology: Its New Meaning for Art
Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Dear Balloon)
Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson
Untitled (To P.O. Box 2481)
Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Collage By Ray Johnson)
Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Spam Belt Club)
Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys
SIGNED “Collected Editions with Films of Beuys Actions” announcement card
Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys
SIGNED “Collected Editions” announcement card
Jospeh Beuys
Jospeh Beuys
SIGNED postcard proof for the Stanhope Object
Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys
“Collected Editions III” flyer
Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys
Selected Editions 1965-1980 postcard
Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys
Entfernter Schauplatz, Darsteller: Joseph Beuys (Distant Scene, Cast: Joseph Beuys)
Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner
SIGNED postcard with a drawing
Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner
(&) so weiter
Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner
10 Works
Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner
A Natural Water Course Diverted Reduced Or Displaced cat. #094 (1969)
Alternate Projects @Getman's VIRTUAL Rare Book and PaperPalooza Jan 11-13
Alternate Projects @Getman's VIRTUAL Rare Book and PaperPalooza Jan 11-13
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays
For you and yours
COUM Transmission
COUM Transmission
“Rectum as Inner Space” photographs
Don Herron
Don Herron
“Tubshots” poster
Les Krims
Les Krims
From series “What's wrong with this picture?”
Les Krims
Les Krims
Fictcryptokrimsographs: A Book-Work by Les Krims
Les Krims
Les Krims
Digital Prints Sheet 1 and Sheet 2
Les Krins
Les Krins
Bubble Gum Test [Fictcryptokrimsographs, 1975]
Ben Vautier Untitled (Not Art), Alternate Projects
Ben Vautier
Untitled (Not Art)
Ben Vautier
Ben Vautier
“Take Your Time” postcard
Diskussiemap Vrijheids School, Black Panther Party, Black Panther Solidarity
Diskussiemap Vrijheids School, Black Panther Party, Black Panther Solidarity
Dutch promotional material
John Cage
John Cage
Writing Through Finnegan's Wake & Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegan's Wake
Eau de Cologne Nr. 1
Eau de Cologne Nr. 1
Keith Haring
Keith Haring
Pop Shop Three Eyed Smiling Face Pouch
Yoko Ono
Yoko Ono
Film No. 4 handbill
James Lee Byars
James Lee Byars
5 pieces of ephemera
Kate Millett
Kate Millett
Frustration Series
Charlotte Moorman
Charlotte Moorman
Yoko Ono's “Cut Piece“ Performed by Charlotte Moorman
Nam June Paik
Nam June Paik
Kill Pop-Art! Robot-Opera (N.J. Paik)
Alllan Kaprow
Alllan Kaprow
Rearrangeable Panels + Wall photographs
Allan Kaprow
Allan Kaprow
11 negatives
Ken Friedman
Ken Friedman
Guglielmo Achille Cavellini
Guglielmo Achille Cavellini
A.R. Penck
A.R. Penck
Adelbert von Chamisso's Peter Schlemihls Wundersame Geschichte
Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Babar Snodgress)
Ray Johnson, Correspondence: An Exhibition of the Letters of Ray Johnson, Alternate Projects
Ray Johnson
Correspondence: An Exhibition of the Letters of Ray Johnson
General Idea
General Idea
Manipulating the Self
Hanuman Books,no. 1- 24
Hanuman Books,no. 1- 24
Louise Nevelson
Louise Nevelson
KWY No. 10
KWY No. 10
Peter Saul, Robert Filliou Pol Burry, Soto , Corneille, J. A. França, Jean Clarence Lambert, Lourdes Castro, Brock, Costa Pinheiro...
Kinetische Objektenshow/Kinetic Object Show
Kinetische Objektenshow/Kinetic Object Show
James Rosenquist
James Rosenquist
James Rosenquist
Martin Kippenberger
Martin Kippenberger
Input-Output: Umzüge 1957-1988
Richard Hambleton
Richard Hambleton
I.D.’s Mr. ReeeeSearch Continued
Ulises Carrión
Ulises Carrión
Mail Art and the Big Monster
Reaktion 2
Reaktion 2
Géza Perneczky
Géza Perneczky
Very Alternative Art
Mark di Suvero
Mark di Suvero
Mark di Suvero
Mark di Suvero
Untitled (2 photos)
Richard Stankiewicz
Richard Stankiewicz
Untitled, 1973
Keith Sonnier
Keith Sonnier
Dan Graham
Dan Graham
Two Correlated Rotations
Lucy Lippard
Lucy Lippard
Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson
Face Collage
Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson
Untitled (The Locust Valleyer)
Ray Johnson Alternate Projects
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Lucky Strike) + Moticos
The Virtual Satellite Show, Boston Book Print & Ephemera Show
The Virtual Satellite Show, Boston Book Print & Ephemera Show
Richard Tuttle
Richard Tuttle
Untitled (SMULAK)
Richard Mock
Richard Mock
Studies For “Orange Squeeze” Mural
Charlotte Moorman
Charlotte Moorman
Charlotte Moorman, Cellist Performing Nam June Paik's ‘Robot Opera’ press photo
Charlotte Moorman
Charlotte Moorman
Charlotte Moorman / Dick Higgins’ Trouble For Cello
Josef Albers
Josef Albers
Catalogue of prints from exhibition catalogues
Jenny Holzer
Jenny Holzer
Second Anniversary Getman's Virtual Book and Paper Fair
Second Anniversary Getman's Virtual Book and Paper Fair
featured items
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Official French dispatch for Inner Telescope + Space Poetry Embroidered Patch + ISS#71904
Peter Hutchinson
Peter Hutchinson
Flower Temple
Keith Haring
Keith Haring
“Keith Haring: Recent Work” announcement card
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Edunia Seed Pack
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
American Indian (Black), SIGNED
Dennis Oppenheim
Dennis Oppenheim
Projects: Removal- Directed Seeding- Canceled Out Crop, Finsterwolde, Holland, 1969
Christo Wraps the Museum: Scale Models, Photomontages, and Drawings for a Non-Event
Allan Kaprow
Allan Kaprow
Days Off Calendar
Allan Kaprow
Allan Kaprow
Mock-up for Echo-logy + the book
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha
Edward Ruscha (Ed-Werd Rew-Shay) Young Artist
Vito Acconci
Vito Acconci
The Peoplemobile (Project for City Squares in the Netherlands) and Combination
Combs, Printed Matter, Untitled (pianos), Broken Eyeglasses, Accumulation
Conscious Vandalism
Violinscape for Jean
New Forms - New Media I
New Forms - New Media I
Martha Jackson Gallery
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha
Nine Swimming Pools and a Broken Glass, SIGNED
Christopher Wool
Christopher Wool
Gagosian Gallery, Los Angeles poster
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
La Surprise
Jeff Koons
Jeff Koons
David Robilliard
David Robilliard
The David Love, 5 Point Turn, Progress
Larry Poons
Larry Poons
Green Gallery exhibition poster
Cy Twombly
Cy Twombly
Galerie Friedrich + Dahlen exhibition brochure
Jenny Holzer
Jenny Holzer
Truism Stickers
Anges Martin
Anges Martin
Recent Paintings
Agnes Martin
Agnes Martin
Recent Paintings
Agnes Martin
Agnes Martin
Recent Paintings
Agnes Martin
Agnes Martin
Recent Paintings
Agnes Martin
Agnes Martin
New Paintings at the Pace Gallery
Agnes Martin
Agnes Martin
New Paintings
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
An Orange For John Paper Test
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Six films
Jonathan Monk/Daniel Buren
Jonathan Monk/Daniel Buren
Five Ballerinas In Manhattan/Seven Ballets In Manhattan
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
My Mother Cleaning My Father's Piano
Jonathan Monk and Lawrence Weiner
Jonathan Monk and Lawrence Weiner
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Coat Hanger Used To Hang T-shirt Printed On T-shirt
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Man Ray MD Blue Plexiglas Tests
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Studio With Shadow- Glasgow 1993
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Time Between Spaces
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Unused Test Print- Porsche RH
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
The Life Sized Black (a Porsche for RH) I-X Newspaper
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Exhibit Model Three
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Test Print- All The Sizes Available In All The Sizes Available
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Exhibit Model One at Kunsthaus Baselland Postcard
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Kunst Transport Test Print
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Kunst Transport Test Print
Claes Oldenburg
Claes Oldenburg
Ray Gun Theatre Schedule Winter Spring 1962
Claes Oldenburg
Claes Oldenburg
Geometric Mouse: Scale D (Paper), “Home-made”
Claes Oldenburg
Claes Oldenburg
Multiples in Retrospect (The Soap of Baton Rouge)
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha
Real Estate Opportunities
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha
Some Los Angeles Apartments
Mlton Glaser
Mlton Glaser
Bob Stanley
Bob Stanley
Cracker Jack
Mel Ramos
Mel Ramos
Josef Levi
Josef Levi
David Milne
David Milne
River Ring
Pierre Clerk
Pierre Clerk
Block Island
Paul Van Hoeydonck
Paul Van Hoeydonck
Oscar the Robot
Lowell Nesbitt
Lowell Nesbitt
Charles Hinman
Charles Hinman
Licht Editions/Serigraph Calenda
Henry Pearson
Henry Pearson
Trinity III- Variant
Richard Anuszkiewicz
Richard Anuszkiewicz
Sun Keyed
John Wesley
John Wesley
What's Going On In The Hall?
Ralph Gibson
Ralph Gibson
The Strip. A graphic portrait of Sunset Boulevard/Fall
Separated Continuums (Portrait of first Dada group with dog and tree........E.T.C.
Kenneth Snelson
Kenneth Snelson
Dwan Gallery exhibition poster
Peter Forakis and Edwin Ruda
Peter Forakis and Edwin Ruda
Park Place Gallery Exhibition Poster
Roy Lichtenstein
Roy Lichtenstein
Untitled (Paper Plate)
Sister Corita
Sister Corita
Box set
George Maciunas
George Maciunas
Fluxus Vacuum TRapEzoid No. 5, March, 1965
Geoffrey Hendricks
Geoffrey Hendricks
Picnic Garbage Placemat
Petr Kotik
Petr Kotik
Player Piano Roll / Marcel Duchamp's The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors Even, Erratum Musicalin / La Mariée Mise à Nu Par ses Célibataires Même
Robert Filliou
Robert Filliou
A Most Curious Invention of the Gaga Yogi
Franz Erhard Walther
Franz Erhard Walther
Find A Purpose For The Pocket
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp, 3 ou 4 gouttes de hauteur n'int rien a faire avec la sauvagerie
Sigmar Polke and Achim Duchow
Sigmar Polke and Achim Duchow
Franz Liszt kommt gern zu mir zum Fernsehen
Guy Schraenen
Guy Schraenen
AXE Vol.1-Vol. 3
FLUXUS maciuNAS V TRE FLUXUS laudatio ScriPTa pro GEoRge. Fluxus newspaper No. 10
FLUXUS maciuNAS V TRE FLUXUS laudatio ScriPTa pro GEoRge. Fluxus newspaper No. 10
John Yoko & Flux
John Yoko & Flux
V TRE Fluxus Newspaper, No. 8 (9)
Mary Corita (Sister Corita) Kent
Mary Corita (Sister Corita) Kent
Come Home America
“Neons for the University of Massachusetts”
Peter Hutchinson
Peter Hutchinson
English Landscape
Peter Hutchinson
Peter Hutchinson
Günter Brus
Günter Brus
Die Schastrommel No. 6
Günter Brus
Günter Brus
Die Schastrommel No.7
Günter Brus
Günter Brus
Die Schastrommel No. 8a
Actualité d'un bilan Paris
Actualité d'un bilan Paris
Yvon Lambert Gallery, Paris
Drumming for eight small tuned drums, three  marimbas, three glockenspiels, male and  female voices, whistling and piccolo, Steve Reich, Alternate Projects
Steve Reich
Drumming for eight small tuned drums, three marimbas, three glockenspiels, male and female voices, whistling and piccolo
Donald Dennis Celender
Donald Dennis Celender
Artball Playing Cards
Alan Shields
Alan Shields
Donald Burgy
Donald Burgy
Center of Art and Communication
Richard Tuttle
Richard Tuttle
Kunstraum München / 22.5 - 19.8
Hanne Darboven, mail art, Alternate Projects
Hanne Darboven
Carl Andre, mail art, Alternate Projects
Carl Andre
Party Card for 2
Carl Andre
Carl Andre
Series of 5 announcement postcards
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
Untitled (Coum Post Age)
Commonpress No. 2
Commonpress No. 2
What is the difference between Open and Closed
Roberto Gutierrez
Roberto Gutierrez
Plages. № 40 (Les dix ans de Plages)
Gilbert and George
Gilbert and George
A Guide To Singing Sculpture by George and Gilbert the human sculptors
John Baldessari
John Baldessari
Throwing a Ball Once to Get Three Melodies and Fifteen Chords
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Escracho - Pornogram #3
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Ota (Otacílio D'Assunção Barros)
Ota (Otacílio D'Assunção Barros)
Pornô Comics
Keith Haring
Keith Haring
Jim Hodges
Jim Hodges
If There Had Been a Pool it Would Have Reflected Us
Christian Marclay
Christian Marclay
Artists' Records
Artists' Records
John Armleder
John Armleder
Furniture Sculpture postcard
Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys
“The Posters of His Exhibitions” postcard
Alan Charlton
Alan Charlton
Recent Paintings
Olivier Mosset
Olivier Mosset
Biennale di Venezia 1990
Olivier Mosset
Olivier Mosset
Untitled box set
Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys
Museum Am Ostwall, Dortmund Germany exhibition poster
Ann Hamilton
Ann Hamilton
Tropos brochure
Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller
Synergetic Building Construction- Octetruss
Hamish Fulton
Hamish Fulton
100 Walks
Robert Rauschenberg
Robert Rauschenberg
Cliché Verre poster
Janine Antoni
Janine Antoni
Janine of New York, Viewer's Red, Post-Human
Barbara Bloom
Barbara Bloom
The Reign of Narcissism- Signature Handkerchief
Barbara McGill Balfour
Barbara McGill Balfour
Loofa-suit / Combinaison-luffa
Fred Fehlau
Fred Fehlau
Donald Lipski
Donald Lipski
Richard Artschwager, Hair Box (Parkett 23, Alternate Projects
Richard Artschwager
Hair Box (Parkett 23)
Arman, Paint Brush Cachet, Alternate Projects
Paint Brush Cachet
Jennifer Bolande
Jennifer Bolande
Bill Beckley
Bill Beckley
The Nineties postcard
James Rosenquist
James Rosenquist
Target Practice catalog
Bernhard Johannes Blume
Bernhard Johannes Blume
Fotoarbeiten 1989
Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner
Out Of The Blue poster
Cary Leibowitz
Cary Leibowitz
Eduardo Kac, Alternate Projects
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac, Alternate Projects
Eduardo Kac
TC 20
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Lagoglyphs: The Bunny Variations #4
Christian Marclay
Christian Marclay
Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger
Money is like shit card
Damien Hirst
Damien Hirst
Theories, Models, Methods, Approaches, Assumptions, Results and Findings Ping Pong Ball Invitation
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Un espace parlé = A spoken space
Un espace parlé = A spoken space
47 propositions : Messageries associées
Jasper Johns
Jasper Johns
Technics And Creativity: Gemini G.E.L.-Target
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Space Poetry
Vic Muniz
Vic Muniz
Wanderer Ashtray