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Sebastien Girard
Sebastien Girard
Black Book Twice + majerus wool warhol…’cold beer’ the ‘smudge tool’ and other short stories
Eduardo Kac Porneia SIGNE, Alternate Projects
Eduardo Kac
Porneia SIGNED
Movimento de Arte Pornô Antolorgia, Arte Porn, Alternate Projects
Movimento de Arte Pornô
Antolorgia, Arte Pornô
Glauco Mattoso
Glauco Mattoso
Manual do Pedólatra Amador / Aventuras e Leituras de um Tarado por Pés
Glauco Mattoso, Edições Dubolso, Sabará (Minas Gerais)
Glauco Mattoso, Edições Dubolso, Sabará (Minas Gerais)
Limeiriques & Outros Debiques Glauquianos [Limeiricks & other mockeries]
Glauco Mattoso
Glauco Mattoso
Línguas na Papa: uma Salada dos Mais Insípidos aos Mais Picantes
Leila Míccolis and Herbert Daniel
Leila Míccolis and Herbert Daniel
Werewolves and Alligators
Leila Míccolis and Paulo Veras
Leila Míccolis and Paulo Veras
Maus Antecedentes
Eduardo Kac Time Capsule and A-Positive flyers, Alternate Projects
Eduardo Kac
Time Capsule + A-Positive flyers
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
It's Not Easy Being Green!
Eduardo Kac Scripta Volant, Alternate Projects
Eduardo Kac
Scripta Volant
Bea Nettles Events in the Water, Alternate Projects
Bea Nettles
Events in the Water
Harmony Hammond
Harmony Hammond
Ten Years 1970-1980
Sigurdur Gudmundsson
Sigurdur Gudmundsson
Channa Horwitz
Channa Horwitz
Bilge Friedlaender
Bilge Friedlaender
Words, Numbers, Lines
Grupo Texto Poético
Grupo Texto Poético
Poesia, Vi a je, Poema plano, P P
The B Thing
Douglas Huebler
Douglas Huebler
Vija Celmins
Vija Celmins
Drawings Of The Night Sky
Sigmar Polke and Ernst Mitzka
Sigmar Polke and Ernst Mitzka
Die Waschung Der Lineale (The Washing of the Rulers)
In Another Moment
In Another Moment
Andrzej Partum
Andrzej Partum
Akupunktura A Manifesto of Insolent Art, 1973
Nan Goldin and Nobuyoshi Araki
Nan Goldin and Nobuyoshi Araki
Tokyo Love: Spring Fever 1994
Jan Dibbets
Jan Dibbets
Katalog 3/70
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Of Loss and Love
Bea Nettles
Bea Nettles
Feasts and Feats
Bea Nettles The Nymph of the Highlands Alternate Projects
Bea Nettles
The Nymph of the Highlands
Richard Prince
Richard Prince
Menthol Wars
Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman
Untitled (Just Like Daddy/Just Like Mommy A Two-In-One Wonder Book)
Ha Schult
Ha Schult
Archive of publications and ephemera
Gilbert and George
Gilbert and George
Death Hope Life Fear 1984
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
The reason why I am here is the reason why I am here
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
A 3/4: Two Seconds of Green
Jan Dibbets
Jan Dibbets
Roodborst territorium/Scupltuur 1969. Robin Redbreast's Territory/Sculpture 1969. Domaine d'un rouge-gorge/Sculpture 1969. Rotkehlchenterritorium/Skulptur 1969
Information Technology: Its New Meaning for Art
Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner
10 Works
Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner
A Natural Water Course Diverted Reduced Or Displaced cat. #094 (1969)
Les Krims
Les Krims
Fictcryptokrimsographs: A Book-Work by Les Krims
John Cage
John Cage
Writing Through Finnegan's Wake & Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegan's Wake
A.R. Penck
A.R. Penck
Adelbert von Chamisso's Peter Schlemihls Wundersame Geschichte
Ray Johnson, Correspondence: An Exhibition of the Letters of Ray Johnson, Alternate Projects
Ray Johnson
Correspondence: An Exhibition of the Letters of Ray Johnson
General Idea
General Idea
Manipulating the Self
Louise Nevelson
Louise Nevelson
Kinetische Objektenshow/Kinetic Object Show
Kinetische Objektenshow/Kinetic Object Show
Martin Kippenberger
Martin Kippenberger
Input-Output: Umzüge 1957-1988
Richard Hambleton
Richard Hambleton
I.D.’s Mr. ReeeeSearch Continued
Géza Perneczky
Géza Perneczky
Very Alternative Art
Richard Mock
Richard Mock
Studies For “Orange Squeeze” Mural
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Official French dispatch for Inner Telescope + Space Poetry Embroidered Patch + ISS#71904
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Edunia Seed Pack
Allan Kaprow
Allan Kaprow
Days Off Calendar
Allan Kaprow
Allan Kaprow
Mock-up for Echo-logy + the book
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha
Edward Ruscha (Ed-Werd Rew-Shay) Young Artist
Vito Acconci
Vito Acconci
The Peoplemobile (Project for City Squares in the Netherlands) and Combination
Violinscape for Jean
New Forms - New Media I
New Forms - New Media I
Martha Jackson Gallery
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha
Nine Swimming Pools and a Broken Glass, SIGNED
Jeff Koons
Jeff Koons
Cy Twombly
Cy Twombly
Galerie Friedrich + Dahlen exhibition brochure
Jonathan Monk/Daniel Buren
Jonathan Monk/Daniel Buren
Five Ballerinas In Manhattan/Seven Ballets In Manhattan
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
My Mother Cleaning My Father's Piano
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
Unused Test Print- Porsche RH
Jonathan Monk
Jonathan Monk
The Life Sized Black (a Porsche for RH) I-X Newspaper
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha
Real Estate Opportunities
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha
Some Los Angeles Apartments
Ralph Gibson
Ralph Gibson
The Strip. A graphic portrait of Sunset Boulevard/Fall
Sister Corita
Sister Corita
Box set
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp, 3 ou 4 gouttes de hauteur n'int rien a faire avec la sauvagerie
Peter Hutchinson
Peter Hutchinson
Actualité d'un bilan Paris
Actualité d'un bilan Paris
Yvon Lambert Gallery, Paris
Donald Burgy
Donald Burgy
Center of Art and Communication
Gilbert and George
Gilbert and George
A Guide To Singing Sculpture by George and Gilbert the human sculptors
John Baldessari
John Baldessari
Throwing a Ball Once to Get Three Melodies and Fifteen Chords
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Olivier Mosset
Olivier Mosset
Biennale di Venezia 1990
Olivier Mosset
Olivier Mosset
Untitled box set
Ann Hamilton
Ann Hamilton
Tropos brochure
James Rosenquist
James Rosenquist
Target Practice catalog
Bernhard Johannes Blume
Bernhard Johannes Blume
Fotoarbeiten 1989
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Un espace parlé = A spoken space
Un espace parlé = A spoken space
47 propositions : Messageries associées
Jasper Johns
Jasper Johns
Technics And Creativity: Gemini G.E.L.-Target
Eduardo Kac
Eduardo Kac
Space Poetry